The top 4 best gym memberships or places to workout in and my time with a personal trainer.

What are the best gyms to workout in and is a personal trainer worth it?   Below is my personal experience.   These are how I rank them. Anytime Fitness (24/7) Snap Fitness (24/7) L.A. Fitness (awesome amenities but they close at like 11PM) Planet Fitness (24/7) I have had several gym memberships in my

The top 4 best gym memberships or places to workout in and my time with a personal trainer. Read More »

04/24/2024 Unlocking Optimal Wellness: The Ultimate Guide to Supplements and Strategies for Joint Health, Pain Relief, Weight Management, and More!

 My February 2024 fast  My Peloton twice-a-day video I have lost 40.6 pounds since 10/10/2023 I started at 254.6 and now I weigh 214 Pounds I am headed down to 159 Pounds. I use a Modified Ketogenic/Low carb diet Introduction: Embarking on a journey toward better health and wellness often involves seeking out effective strategies

04/24/2024 Unlocking Optimal Wellness: The Ultimate Guide to Supplements and Strategies for Joint Health, Pain Relief, Weight Management, and More! Read More »

04/23/2024 Maximizing Productivity: How I Balanced Vitamins, Peloton, and Meditation and Adobe and their All Apps Plan

I took all of my Vitamins yesterday I rode the Peloton twice yesterday and now when I wake up each morning I do 15 minutes of Meditation (I found on Google that 12 minutes is needed for it to be effective) I was up kind of late last night (11 PM is late for me.)

04/23/2024 Maximizing Productivity: How I Balanced Vitamins, Peloton, and Meditation and Adobe and their All Apps Plan Read More »

04/13/2024 Optimizing Health & Wealth: My Journey from Uber driving to Job Stability, Weight Loss, and Daily Rituals

As an Amazon Associate and affiliate marketer, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.   Today I took all my vitamins, rode the Peloton twice, and drank 1 TBSP of atlas as usual. I have come to the conclusion that driving for Uber full-time costs me money. I have known for a while now

04/13/2024 Optimizing Health & Wealth: My Journey from Uber driving to Job Stability, Weight Loss, and Daily Rituals Read More »

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